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WP2. Development

OC2 (a): GE HEI curricula developed and modernized.

OP2.1.General Framework Plan for developing new online courses and training modules;

OP2.2. Two new online courses designed for BA and MA Programs; 
OP2.3.Two training modules for faculty members (TM1), and online instructors (TM2) developed;  
OP2.8. Online platform developed and maintained; 

OC Sustainable teaching/learning environment is provided.

Activities performed within WP2:

CM2 on General Framework Plan for developing new online courses and training modules
Designing new online courses for BA and MA Programs at GE HEIs
Developing training modules for faculty members (TM1), and online instructors (TM2)
Developing and maintaining DITECH online platform (Design, Maintaining and updating)

Course materials for students and a toolkit for instructors into Georgian

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